I’m Quitting My Blogs and Replacing Them With This…

Here’s my plan…

Jenn Leach
3 min readApr 10, 2024
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Ok, let me explain. My long-term, seasoned blogs that I’ve been contributing on for years, those ones are what I’m releasing.

I sold my first one at the top of the year for four figures. I have another one for sale now for five figures 😍

I’m going through those websites, one by one and releasing them.

This is why…

Why I’m quitting and what’s next…

I don’t have the time, to be frank.

I love running multiple long-term sites.

But, there aren’t enough hours in the day. And that has been evident more and more over the past several months.

I don’t want to go months without working on them.

But, I find myself pouring most of my efforts into my main blog, Millennial Nextdoor, more than anything.

So, I’m switching gears and will focus on long-term blogging on that site only.

