How to make money with brand deals as a writer

How to add this extra income stream to your writing business

Jenn Leach
2 min readOct 18, 2024
Photo by Anna Shvets:

Brand deals as a writer?

This isn’t something you’d typically think of for writers.

Most people consider brand deals with content creators or influencers. Maybe even podcasters or bloggers.

But, writers?


And, I’ll tell you how it works…

What are brand deals?

This when a brand and a creator partner to work together. The brand gets exposure to the creator’s audience.

This is beneficial to them because they can get leads, sales, grow their email list, get more people to know and be aware of their brand.

This is beneficial to creators because they get compensated for their work. Usually in the form of money, gifts, or both.

But, a creator isn’t necessarily a social media influencer.

