Great points here, Richard. I plan to edit this article to add a little more info. To answer your questions, I didn't time how long it took me to go through the course, exactly. Around a few days. If I had 8 hours in a day straight, that would've been enough time to go through it, I think. I took breaks because there was so much information, I wanted to make sure I captured everything. I'm actually going to go through the material again in the next few weeks. I'm not a new Gumroad seller so it's hard to answer some of the questions like how long it took for me to come up with a niche idea, etc. but, I'll be honest in saying that the course covers this with some really, really smart strategies for coming up with ideas on what niche to pursue. I can see how you might question my interest since I'm an affiliate but, if you've read my content before, you know that I'm honest and I promote products that I stand behind. most of which, I've personally tried and tested. Totally understand your hesitation and appreciate your feedback here. It's very helpful. Thanks for being so candid.